fishing king reigns....
Dear blog,
Weekend was good as I managed to hit top form during my last fishing trip. I guess my fishing form is slow coming back again. During recent southern island fishing trip, I caught the most and also the biggest too. However the overall catch was not very impressive but just average.
This is the overall catch:
2 Golden Snapper aka ACK ( 3kg, 1kg)
1 sweetlip aka Kaci (1kg)
1 stripped snapper aka timun (1kg)
3 deep sea bass
1 spotted stingray
However last Saturday night was also another interesting affair. I managed to meet up my good old friend and we watched a super complex movie, V for Vendetta. Wow this show really forces me to think hard in order to understand what the hell is going on. I miss such movie as I had not watched such abstract movie for a long time. But the company was great even though we only spent a few hours together. I will be looking forward to another date with her again. Hahaha my so call cai hehehe you ji hui…
Just had my last JCRC meeting last night, finally I can let my guys focus on their studies now. But I guess there will not be any rest for me as I still have the HAS to worry, JHOC event to settle, Rec list to compile and of cos my IA. Guess it will be a busy period for me as everyone is busy preparing for their exam and I am the only one with no exam worries. No worries man, that is the president job to oversee everything. I guess my days are numbered. Within months it will our FOC and DnD. After which I will be handing over my baton to another person. What life is after handing over? Will I be happy or sad? Will I be relieved or worried? Will I be bored? All these questions suddenly run thru my mind. Reigns
I love fishing…..
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